OPeNDAP Data Access Form for OMI-Aura_L2-OMCLDO2_2006m0526t1220-o09906_v003-2017m0620t021751.he5
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OPeNDAP Data Access Form

dataset: OMI-Aura_L2-OMCLDO2_2006m0526t1220-o09906_v003-2017m0620t021751.he5

      • InstrumentName: OMI
      • ProcessLevel: 2
      • PGEVersion:
      • ProcessingSystem: OFFLINE
      • TAI93At0zOfGranule: 422755206.00000000
      • GranuleMonth: 5
      • GranuleDay: 26
      • GranuleYear: 2006
      • CloudFractionHistogram: 31721, 9914, 6935, 5633, 5125, 4651, 4315, 3845, 3324, 9465
      • CloudPressureHistogram: 0, 0, 0, 8626, 1219, 1438, 1783, 2210, 2873, 3743, 4475, 5065, 5286, 5420, 5913, 7043, 8535, 8759, 5886, 2851, 3803
      • CloudAlbedo: 0.8000000119
      • SolarProductMissing: 0
      • SolarProductOutOfDate: 0
      • SolarIrradianceWarning: 0
      • BackupSolarProductUsed: 0
      • ParametersInconsistent: 0
      • RadianceParametersMissing: 0
      • SnowIceProductMissing: 0
      • RadianceScienceQualityFlag: Not Investigated
      • IrradianceScienceQualityFlag: Not Investigated
      • WavelengthCalibrationMethod: assigned
      • QAPctSunGlint: 11
      • QAPctEclipse: 0
      • QAPctIrradianceWarning: 0
      • QAPctRadianceMissing: 0
      • QAPctRadianceError: 3
      • QAPctRadianceWarning: 10
      • QAPctWavelengthRegistrationWarning: 0
      • QAPctCloudFractionClipped: 19
      • QAPctCloudPressureClipped: 15
      • QAPctScdCorrectionWarning: 0
      • QAPctNoSnowIceData: 5
      • QAPctFitError: 0
      • QAPctFitWarning: 7
      • QAPctCloudFractionMissing: 14
      • QAPctCloudFractionWarning: 11
      • QAPctCloudPressureMissing: 14
      • QAPctCloudPressureWarning: 16
      • QAPctExtrapolationWarning: 0
      • QAPctMeasMissing: 0
      • QAPctMeasError: 0
      • QAPctMeasWarning: 0
      • QAPctRebinned: 0
      • QAPctSAA: 36
      • QAPctSpacecraftManeuver: 0
      • QAPctInstrumentSettingsError: 0
      • OPF_fittingWindow: 460.0, 490.0
      • OPF_fittingWindowColumnRange: 0, 1200
      • OPF_level1ReadBufferSize: 1
      • OPF_level2WriteBufferSize: 1
      • OPF_fittingPolydegree: 1
      • OPF_meritFunction: 8
      • OPF_interpolationMethod: 1
      • OPF_amfAngleUpperLimit: 86
      • OPF_O3ReferenceTemperature: 220
      • OPF_NO2ReferenceTemperature: 220
      • OPF_O2O2ReferenceTemperature: 293
      • OPF_maxNSolarWavelengthsFlagged: 20
      • OPF_maxNEarthWavelengthsFlagged: 20
      • OPF_maxNEarthWavelengthsFlaggedMissing: 20
      • OPF_maxSolarWavelnPrecision: 1
      • OPF_maxEarthWavelnPrecision: 1
      • OPF_maxScdPrecision: 1.0E-3
      • OPF_maxContinuumReferencePrecision: 5.0E-4
      • OPF_maxCloudFractionPrecision: 0.01
      • OPF_maxCloudPressurePrecision: 50
      • OPF_maxFitRms: 0.02
      • OPF_opfVersion: 2.0
      • OPF_limitsSCD: 0, 0.01
      • OPF_limitsContinuumReference: 0, 1.5
      • OPF_limitsCloudFraction: -0.2, 1.5
      • OPF_limitsCloudPressure: 150, 1200
      • OPF_limitsEarthRad: 0, 5.0E14
      • OPF_limitsSolarIrrad: 0, 5.0E14
      • OPF_maxEarthRadPrecision: 5.0E14
      • OPF_maxSolarIrradPrecision: 5.0E14
      • OPF_limitsLatitude: -90, 90
      • OPF_limitsLongitude: -180, 180
      • OPF_limitsSZA: -90, 90
      • OPF_limitsSAZ: -180, 180
      • OPF_limitsVZA: -90, 90
      • OPF_limitsVAZ: -180, 180
      • OPF_limitsRAZ: 0, 180
      • OPF_limitsSurfaceHeigth: -9000, 9000
      • OPF_limitsSurfacePressure: 100, 1200
      • OPF_limitsSurfaceAlbedo: 0, 1
      • OPF_albedoSnow: 0.6
      • OPF_albedoDefault: 0.065
      • OPF_albedoLandThreshold: 0.1
      • OPF_albedoWaterThreshold: 0.1
      • OPF_albedoSeaIceNH: 0.70, 0.73, 0.76, 0.80, 0.84, 0.78, 0.61, 0.61, 0.62, 0.68, 0.67, 0.71
      • OPF_albedoSeaIceSH: 0.53, 0.50, 0.44, 0.60, 0.61, 0.64, 0.68, 0.76, 0.80, 0.83, 0.78, 0.66
      • OPF_ContinuumWavelength: 475
      • OPF_O3VcdFixed: 300
      • OPF_MaxFillInExtentDistance: 10
      • OPF_maxSCDCovariance: 10
      • OPF_maxSolarIrradianceAgeInDays: 10000
      • OPF_automaticQualityFailed: 50
      • OPF_automaticQualitySuspect: 20
      • OPF_wavelengthRegistrationLimit: 0.10
      • OPF_UseWavelengthFitCoefficient: 1
      • OPF_XTrackQualityFlagsErrorMask: 0
      • OPF_szaSplineInterpolation: 1
      • OPF_PTprofileN: 33
      • OPF_PTprofileP: 0.000258, 0.067, 0.951, 1.76, 3.33, 6.52, 13.2, 27.7, 32.2, 37.6, 43.7, 51, 59.5, 69.5, 81.2, 95., 111., 130, 153., 179., 209., 243, 281., 324., 372., 426., 487., 554., 628., 710., 802., 902., 1013.
      • OPF_PTprofileT: 190.5, 218.1, 275.7, 269.9, 257.5, 245.2, 233.7, 225.1, 223.9, 222.8, 221.6, 220.4, 219.2, 217.9, 216.8, 215.7, 215.7, 215.7, 215.7, 215.8, 222.3, 228.8, 235.3, 241.7, 248.2, 254.7, 261.2, 267.2, 273.2, 279.2, 285.2, 289.7, 294.2
      • OPF_numberOfIterationOutlierDetection: 1
    • HDFEOS_SWATHS_CloudFractionAndPressure
      • NumTimes: 1643
      • NumTimesSmallPixelUV: 6486
      • NumTimesSmallPixelVIS: 6486
      • VerticalCoordinate: Total Column
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure
  • HDFEOS_SWATHS_CloudFractionAndPressure_Data_Fields:
  • HDFEOS_SWATHS_CloudFractionAndPressure_Geolocation_Fields:
      • HDFEOSVersion: HDFEOS_5.1.15
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS INFORMATION
    • CoreMetadata
            • ECSDATAGRANULE
                • LOCALGRANULEID
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: "OMI-Aura_L2-OMCLDO2_2006m0526t1220-o09906_v003-2017m0620t021751.he5"
                • PRODUCTIONDATETIME
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: "2017-06-20T02:17:51.000Z"
                • DAYNIGHTFLAG
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: "Day"
                • REPROCESSINGACTUAL
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: "processed 1 time"
                • LOCALVERSIONID
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: "RFC1321 MD5 = not yet calculated"
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: "further update is anticipated"
                  • CLASS: "1"
                    • QAFLAGS
                      • CLASS: "1"
                        • SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG
                          • NUM_VAL: 1
                          • VALUE: "Not Investigated"
                          • CLASS: "1"
                          • NUM_VAL: 1
                          • CLASS: "1"
                          • VALUE: "The value is based on a combination of the RadianceScienceQualityFlag, IrradianceScienceQualityFlag, QAPctRadianceError, QAPctFitError, QAPctCloudFractionMissing, QAPctCloudPressureMissing. Thresholds used: 50% for Failed and 20% for Suspect."
                        • AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG
                          • NUM_VAL: 1
                          • CLASS: "1"
                          • VALUE: "Passed"
                          • NUM_VAL: 1
                          • VALUE: "This granule passed operational tests that were administered by the OMI SIPS. QA metadata was extracted and the file was successfully read using standard HDF-EOS utilities."
                          • CLASS: "1"
                        • OPERATIONALQUALITYFLAG
                          • NUM_VAL: 1
                          • VALUE: "Passed"
                          • CLASS: "1"
                          • NUM_VAL: 1
                          • VALUE: "An updated science quality flag and explanation is put in the product .met file when a granule has been evaluated. The flag value in this file, Not Investigated, is an automatic default that is put into every granule during production."
                          • CLASS: "1"
                    • QASTATS
                      • CLASS: "1"
                        • QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA
                          • NUM_VAL: 1
                          • CLASS: "1"
                          • VALUE: 0
                        • QAPERCENTOUTOFBOUNDSDATA
                          • NUM_VAL: 1
                          • CLASS: "1"
                          • VALUE: 0
                    • PARAMETERNAME
                      • CLASS: "1"
                      • NUM_VAL: 1
                      • VALUE: "Cloud_Fraction_and_Pressure"
                  • CLASS: "1"
                    • EQUATORCROSSINGDATE
                      • CLASS: "1"
                      • NUM_VAL: 1
                      • VALUE: "2006-05-26"
                    • EQUATORCROSSINGTIME
                      • CLASS: "1"
                      • NUM_VAL: 1
                      • VALUE: "13:02:19.000000"
                    • ORBITNUMBER
                      • CLASS: "1"
                      • NUM_VAL: 1
                      • VALUE: 9906
                      • CLASS: "1"
                      • NUM_VAL: 1
                      • VALUE: 10.03
                • VERSIONID
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: 3
                • SHORTNAME
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: "OMCLDO2"
            • INPUTGRANULE
                • INPUTPOINTER
                  • NUM_VAL: 20
                  • VALUE: "OMCLDO2_OPF.txt", "OMI-Aura_L1-OML1BRUG_2006m0526t1220-o09906_v003-2011m0121t181400-p1.he4", "OMI-Aura_L1-OML1BRVG_2006m0526t1220-o09906_v003-2011m0121t181551-p1.he4", "OMI-Aura_L1-GLOBAL-OMTMIRRYA_2005m0101t0000-syear-rPDS01_v003-2007m0716t145802.he4", " OMI-Aura_L3-OMLERCLDO2_2005m01-2009m12_v003-2010m0706t090821.he5", "lut_cloud_fraction_v6.1.0.h5", "lut_cloud_pressure_v6.1.0.h5", "ref_OMCLDO2_O3.dat", "ref_OMCLDO2_O2O2.dat", "ref_OMCLDO2_NO2.dat", "ref_OMCLDO2_Ring.dat", "ref_OMCLDO2_Sun.dat", "NISE_SSMIF13_20060527.HDFEOS", " lut_scene_albedo_v6.1.0.h5", "lut_scene_pressure_v6.1.0.h5", "", "lut_amf_o2o2_v1.0.0.h5", ""
            • RANGEDATETIME
                • RANGEENDINGDATE
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: "2006-05-26"
                • RANGEENDINGTIME
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: "13:59:01.000000"
                • RANGEBEGINNINGDATE
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: "2006-05-26"
                • RANGEBEGINNINGTIME
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: "12:20:08.000000"
                • PGEVERSION
                  • NUM_VAL: 1
                  • VALUE: ""
                  • CLASS: "1"
                      • CLASS: "1"
                      • NUM_VAL: 1
                      • VALUE: "CCD Visible"
                      • CLASS: "1"
                      • NUM_VAL: 1
                      • VALUE: "Aura"
                    • OPERATIONMODE
                      • CLASS: "1"
                      • NUM_VAL: 1
                      • VALUE: "Normal"
                      • CLASS: "1"
                      • NUM_VAL: 1
                      • VALUE: "OMI"
                  • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14"
                      • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14"
                      • NUM_VAL: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                      • VALUE: "NrMeasurements", "NrZoom", "NrSpatialZoom", "NrSpectralZoom", "ExpeditedData", "SouthAtlanticAnomalyCrossing", "SpacecraftManeuverFlag", "SolarEclipse", "InstrumentConfigurationIDs", "MasterClockPeriods", "ExposureTimes", "PathNr", "StartBlockNr", "EndBlockNr"
                    • INFORMATIONCONTENT
                      • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14"
                        • PARAMETERVALUE
                          • NUM_VAL: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1
                          • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14"
                          • VALUE: "1643", "0", "0", "0", "FALSE", "TRUE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "0", "1", "2", "2.000400", "1.000200", "0.500100", "0.400080", "124", "15", "43"
    • ArchiveMetadata
            • LONGNAME
              • NUM_VAL: 1
              • VALUE: "OMI/Aura Cloud Pressure and Fraction (O2-O2 Absorption) 1-Orbit L2 Swath 13x24km"
              • NUM_VAL: 1
              • VALUE: "0.9.30"
      • Unlimited_Dimension: nTimes, nTimesSmallPixelUV, nTimesSmallPixelVIS

    ChiSquaredOfFit[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Chi-squared diagnostics of DOAS fit
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: ChiSquaredOfFit
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/ChiSquaredOfFit
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    CloudFraction[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Effective cloud fraction clipped between 0.0 and 1.0
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: CloudFraction
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/CloudFraction
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    CloudFractionNotClipped[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Effective cloud fraction.
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: CloudFractionNotClipped
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/CloudFractionNotClipped
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    CloudFractionPrecision[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Precision of the effective cloud fraction
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: CloudFractionPrecision
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/CloudFractionPrecision
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    CloudPressure[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Int16)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -32768
      • missing_value: -32768
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Effective cloud pressure clipped to the surface pressure
      • units: hPa
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: CloudPressure
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/CloudPressure
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    CloudPressureNotClipped[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Int16)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -32768
      • missing_value: -32768
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Effective cloud pressure, can be higher than the surface pressure
      • units: hPa
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: CloudPressureNotClipped
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/CloudPressureNotClipped
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    CloudPressurePrecision[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Int16)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -32768
      • missing_value: -32768
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Precision of the effective cloud pressure
      • units: hPa
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: CloudPressurePrecision
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/CloudPressurePrecision
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    ContinuumAtReferenceWavelength[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Continuum reflectance at reference wavelength
      • units: NoUnits
      • origname: ContinuumAtReferenceWavelength
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/ContinuumAtReferenceWavelength
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    ContinuumAtReferenceWavelengthPrecision[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Precision of the continuum reflectance at reference wavelength
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: ContinuumAtReferenceWavelengthPrecision
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/ContinuumAtReferenceWavelengthPrecision
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    InstrumentConfigurationId[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] (Type is Byte)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: 255
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Unique ID for instrument settings for current measurement
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • missing_value: 255
      • origname: InstrumentConfigurationId
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/InstrumentConfigurationId
    MeanSunNormalizedRadiance[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Mean Sun Normalized Radiance over the DOAS Fit Window
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: MeanSunNormalizedRadiance
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/MeanSunNormalizedRadiance
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    MeasurementQualityFlags[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] (Type is Byte)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: 255
      • missing_value: 255
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Bit level quality flags at measurement level
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: MeasurementQualityFlags
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/MeasurementQualityFlags
    NumberOfSmallPixelColumnsUV[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] (Type is Int16)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -128
      • missing_value: -128
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Number of small pixels for current measurement of the UV channel
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: NumberOfSmallPixelColumnsUV
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/NumberOfSmallPixelColumnsUV
    NumberOfSmallPixelColumnsVIS[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] (Type is Int16)
    • attributes
      • units: NoUnits
      • _FillValue: -128
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Number of small pixels for current measurement of the VIS channel
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • missing_value: -128
      • origname: NumberOfSmallPixelColumnsVIS
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/NumberOfSmallPixelColumnsVIS
    NumberOfWavelengthsInFit[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Int16)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -32768
      • missing_value: -32768
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Number of wavelengths used in the spectral fit
      • units: m
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: NumberOfWavelengthsInFit
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/NumberOfWavelengthsInFit
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    ProcessingQualityFlags[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • missing_value: 65535
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Bit level quality flags at ground pixel level
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: ProcessingQualityFlags
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/ProcessingQualityFlags
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    RingCoefficient[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • title: Fitted ring coefficient
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • units: molecule cm^-2
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: RingCoefficient
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/RingCoefficient
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    RingCoefficientPrecision[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Precision of the fitted ring coefficient
      • units: molecule cm^-2
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: RingCoefficientPrecision
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/RingCoefficientPrecision
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    RootMeanSquareErrorOfFit[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Root-mean-square error of DOAS fit
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: RootMeanSquareErrorOfFit
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/RootMeanSquareErrorOfFit
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SceneAlbedo[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Retrieved albedo when the scene is represented by a Lambertian surface
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SceneAlbedo
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SceneAlbedo
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SceneAlbedoPrecision[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Precision of the scene albedo
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SceneAlbedoPrecision
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SceneAlbedoPrecision
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    ScenePressure[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Retrieved surface pressure when the scene is represented by a Lambertian surface
      • units: hPa
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: ScenePressure
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/ScenePressure
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    ScenePressurePrecision[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Precision of the scene pressure
      • units: hPa
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: ScenePressurePrecision
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/ScenePressurePrecision
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SlantColumnAmountNO2[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: NO2 slant column density
      • units: molec/cm^2
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SlantColumnAmountNO2
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SlantColumnAmountNO2
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SlantColumnAmountNO2Precision[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Precision of the NO2 slant column density
      • units: molec/cm^2
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SlantColumnAmountNO2Precision
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SlantColumnAmountNO2Precision
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SlantColumnAmountO2O2[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000e+43
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: O2-O2 slant column density
      • units: molecule^2 cm^-5
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SlantColumnAmountO2O2
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SlantColumnAmountO2O2
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SlantColumnAmountO2O2CorrectionFactor[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Slant Column Amount O2O2 temperature correction factor
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SlantColumnAmountO2O2CorrectionFactor
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SlantColumnAmountO2O2CorrectionFactor
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SlantColumnAmountO2O2Precision[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • units: molecule^2 cm^-5
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000e+43
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • title: Precision of the O2-O2 slant column density
      • origname: SlantColumnAmountO2O2Precision
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SlantColumnAmountO2O2Precision
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SlantColumnAmountO3[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Ozone slant column density
      • units: DU
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SlantColumnAmountO3
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SlantColumnAmountO3
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SlantColumnAmountO3Precision[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Precision of the ozone slant column density
      • units: DU
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SlantColumnAmountO3Precision
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SlantColumnAmountO3Precision
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SmallPixelMeanUV[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Mean radiance of the small pixels for wich the variance was computed.
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SmallPixelMeanUV
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SmallPixelMeanUV
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SmallPixelMeanVIS[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Mean radiance of the small pixels for wich the variance was computed.
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SmallPixelMeanVIS
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SmallPixelMeanVIS
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SmallPixelRadianceUV[ nTimesSmallPixelUV= 0 ..6485] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Radiance of small pixel data column of the UV channel
      • units: photons/(^
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SmallPixelRadianceUV
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SmallPixelRadianceUV
    SmallPixelRadianceVIS[ nTimesSmallPixelVIS= 0 ..6485] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Radiance of small pixel data column of the VIS channel
      • units: photons/(^
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SmallPixelRadianceVIS
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SmallPixelRadianceVIS
    SmallPixelVarianceUV[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • units: NoUnits
      • title: Relative variance of the radiance of the small pixel data of the UV channel
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SmallPixelVarianceUV
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SmallPixelVarianceUV
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SmallPixelVarianceVIS[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Relative variance of the radiance of the small pixel data of the VIS channel
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SmallPixelVarianceVIS
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SmallPixelVarianceVIS
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SmallPixelWavelengthUV[ nTimesSmallPixelUV= 0 ..6485] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • missing_value: 65535
      • scale_factor: 0.010000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Wavelength of small pixel column of the UV channel
      • units: nm
      • origname: SmallPixelWavelengthUV
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SmallPixelWavelengthUV
    SmallPixelWavelengthVIS[ nTimesSmallPixelVIS= 0 ..6485] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • missing_value: 65535
      • scale_factor: 0.010000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Wavelength of small pixel column of the VIS channel
      • units: nm
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SmallPixelWavelengthVIS
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SmallPixelWavelengthVIS
    SnowIceExtent[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Byte)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: 254
      • missing_value: 255
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Snow Ice extent information. Uses the NISE convention.
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: SnowIceExtent
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/SnowIceExtent
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    TerrainPressure[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Int16)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -32768
      • missing_value: -32768
      • units: hPa
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Pressure of the center of the ground pixel
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: TerrainPressure
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/TerrainPressure
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    TerrainReflectivity[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Int16)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -128
      • missing_value: -128
      • scale_factor: 0.010000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Reflectivity of the ground pixel
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: TerrainReflectivity
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/TerrainReflectivity
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    WavelengthRegistrationCheck[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Wavelength registration check of the L1B wavelength assignment based on the position of Fraunhofer absorption lines. This registration check can be applied as a correction, depending on an OPF parameter. See OPF_wavelengthRegistrationShiftRadianceGrid in the file attributes.
      • units: nm
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: WavelengthRegistrationCheck
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/WavelengthRegistrationCheck
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    WavelengthRegistrationCheckStd[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Precision of the wavelength registration
      • units: nm
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: WavelengthRegistrationCheckStd
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/WavelengthRegistrationCheckStd
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    XTrackQualityFlags[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Byte)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: 255
      • missing_value: 255
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Across Track Quality Flags
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: XTrackQualityFlags
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Data Fields/XTrackQualityFlags
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    GroundPixelQualityFlags[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • missing_value: 65535
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Ground Pixel Quality Flags
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: GroundPixelQualityFlags
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/GroundPixelQualityFlags
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    OrbitPhase[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • title: The place of OMI in orbit
      • units: NoUnits
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • origname: OrbitPhase
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/OrbitPhase
    SolarAzimuthAngle[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • units: deg
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Solar azimuth angle at WGS84 ellipsoid for center co-ordinate of the ground pixel, defined East-of-North
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-TES-Shared
      • origname: SolarAzimuthAngle
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/SolarAzimuthAngle
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SolarZenithAngle[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Solar zenith angle at WGS84 ellipsoid for center co-ordinate of the ground pixel
      • units: deg
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: Aura-Shared
      • origname: SolarZenithAngle
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/SolarZenithAngle
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    SpacecraftAltitude[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Altitude above WGS84 ellipsoid
      • units: m
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: HIRDLS-OMI-TES-Shared
      • origname: SpacecraftAltitude
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/SpacecraftAltitude
    SpacecraftLatitude[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Geodetic Latitude above WGS84 ellipsoid
      • units: deg
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: HIRDLS-OMI-TES-Shared
      • origname: SpacecraftLatitude
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/SpacecraftLatitude
    SpacecraftLongitude[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Geodetic Longitude above WGS84 ellipsoid
      • units: deg
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: HIRDLS-OMI-TES-Shared
      • origname: SpacecraftLongitude
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/SpacecraftLongitude
    TerrainHeight[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Int16)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -32768
      • missing_value: -32768
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Terrain height at for center co-ordinate of the ground pixel
      • units: m
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: TerrainHeight
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/TerrainHeight
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    Time[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] (Type is Float64)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.2676506002282294e+30
      • missing_value: -1.2676506002282294e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Time at Start of Scan (s, TAI93)
      • units: s
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: Aura-Shared
      • origname: Time
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/Time
    ViewingAzimuthAngle[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • units: deg
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Viewing azimuth angle at WGS84 ellipsoid for center co-ordinate of the ground pixel, defined East-of-North
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: ViewingAzimuthAngle
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/ViewingAzimuthAngle
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    ViewingZenithAngle[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Viewing zenith angle at WGS84 ellipsoid for center co-ordinate of the ground pixel
      • units: deg
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: OMI-Specific
      • origname: ViewingZenithAngle
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/ViewingZenithAngle
      • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    ArchiveMetadata_0(Type is String)
    • attributes
      • origname: ArchiveMetadata.0
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS INFORMATION/ArchiveMetadata.0
    CoreMetadata_0(Type is String)
    • attributes
      • origname: CoreMetadata.0
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS INFORMATION/CoreMetadata.0
    StructMetadata_0(Type is String)
    • attributes
      • origname: StructMetadata.0
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS INFORMATION/StructMetadata.0
    Latitude[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Latitude of the center of the groundpixel
      • units: degrees_north
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: Aura-Shared
      • origname: Latitude
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/Latitude
    Longitude[ nTimes= 0 ..1642] [ nXtrack= 0 ..59] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • _FillValue: -1.267650600e+30
      • missing_value: -1.267650600e+30
      • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000
      • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000
      • title: Longitude of the center of the groundpixel
      • units: degrees_east
      • UniqueFieldDefinition: Aura-Shared
      • origname: Longitude
      • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/CloudFractionAndPressure/Geolocation Fields/Longitude
    nTimesSmallPixelUV[ nTimesSmallPixelUV= 0 ..6485] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • units: level
    nTimesSmallPixelVIS[ nTimesSmallPixelVIS= 0 ..6485] (Type is Int32)
    • attributes
      • units: level

    Hyrax development sponsored by NSF, NASA, and NOAA

    OPeNDAP Hyrax (1.16.4)
    Documentation Questions? Contact Support