geospatial_vertical_max: | 1013.000000 |
OMISwath: | Earth VIS Swath |
publisher_institution: | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
references: | Lucchesi, R., 2015: File Specification for GEOS-5 FP-IT. GMAO Office Note No. 2 Version 1.4, 64 pp, available at |
contributor_role: | data producer |
title: | GEOS-5 FP-IT Assimilation Geo-colocated to OMI/Aura VIS 1-Orbit L2 Support Swath 13x24km V3 |
platform: | Aura |
program: | NASA EOS |
instrument: | OMI |
LongName: | GEOS-5 FP-IT Assimilation Geo-colocated to OMI/Aura VIS 1-Orbit L2 Support Swath 13x24km |
processing_level: | L2 |
creator_email: | |
TDOPFVersion: | 1303 |
APPVersion: | 1.0.3 |
time_coverage_start: | 2008-03-13T21:07:31Z |
VersionID: | 003 |
LocalGranuleID: | OMI-Aura_ANC-OMVFPITMET_2008m0313t210731-o19479_v003-2018m1017t150517.nc4 |
institution: | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
OMI_InputPointers: | OMI-Aura_L1-OML1BRVG_2008m0313t2107-o19479_v003-2011m0718t114321-p1.he4 |
license: | None |
Relayer: | Yes |
DFPITI3NVASM_interp_Fields: | DELP,PS,PHIS,T,U,V |
summary: | Anciliary A-Train product that co-locates GEOS 5 assimulated fields onto OMI pixel. |
project: | Aura |
geospatial_bounds: | POLYGON ((-79.934669 89.761597,-78.451256 19.810114,-67.742172 -2.1160152,-69.592949 -21.080696,-64.266747 -66.476067,-50.591606 -89.12957,-34.331776 -100.28923,-17.126604 -106.97526,0.51200116 -111.55421,18.347218 -114.8918,36.237499 -117.23933,54.085033 -118.26186,71.772972 -115.30424,86.353745 -39.784027,79.492783 28.727934,76.351814 86.772926,67.444687 113.57887,69.741638 140.64928,62.864437 -176.23082,48.598076 -155.71349,32.107216 -145.43089,14.791841 -139.18872,-2.8918309 -134.91267,-20.724615 -131.85797,-38.566326 -129.8773,-56.314945 -129.54787,-73.783089 -134.97211,-85.172577 127.27415,-79.934669 89.761597)) |
Processing_Center: | OMIDAP |
ShortName: | OMVFPITMET |
geospatial_vertical_units: | hPa |
history: | 2018-10-17T15:05:17Z: original file created by Ozone SIPS |
DFPITI3NVASM_relayer_Fields: | DELP,T,U,V |
product_version: | 3 |
ProductionDateTime: | 2018-10-17T15:05:17Z |
OMI_collection: | 003 |
ProcessingHost: | Linux minion7083 3.10.0-693.21.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64 |
OrbitNumber: | 19479 |
identifier_product_DOI: | 10.5067/AURA/OMI/DATA2033 |
Conventions: | CF-1.7, ACDD-1.3 |
publisher_name: | NASA GES DISC |
id: | OMVFPITMET_003 |
naming_authority: | gov.nasa.earthdata |
ReprocessingActual: | processed 1 time |
Format: | netCDF4 |
HDFCompress: | 1 |
EquatorCrossingTime: | 21:56:47.000000 |
InstrumentConfigAS: | 10003 |
creator_institution: | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
GMAO_InputPointers: | GEOS.fpit.asm.inst3_3d_asm_Nv.GEOS5124.20080313_2100.V01.nc4,GEOS.fpit.asm.inst3_3d_asm_Nv.GEOS5124.20080314_0000.V01.nc4,GEOS.fpit.asm.inst3_3d_asm_Nv.GEOS5124.20080313_1800.V01.nc4,GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.GEOS5124.20080313_2130.V01.nc4,GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.GEOS5124.20080313_2030.V01.nc4,GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.GEOS5124.20080313_2230.V01.nc4,GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.GEOS5124.20080313_1930.V01.nc4,GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.GEOS5124.20080313_2330.V01.nc4,GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.GEOS5124.20080313_1830.V01.nc4,GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.GEOS5124.20080314_0030.V01.nc4,GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.GEOS5124.20080313_1730.V01.nc4,GEOS.fpit.asm.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.GEOS5124.20080314_0130.V01.nc4 |
EquatorCrossingDate: | 2008-03-13 |
ProcessingCenter: | OMI SIPS |
TDOPFIntendedPurpose: | Forward Processing |
creator_type: | person |
EquatorCrossingLongitude: | -123.2799988 |
metadata_link: | doi:10.5067/AURA/OMI/DATA2033 |
geospatial_vertical_positive: | down |
SMFVerbosityThreshold: | 2 |
ProdruleEngine: | SIPS |
Model: | GEOS-5 FP-IT |
source: | GMAO GEOS-5 FP-IT 5.12.4 |
publisher_email: | |
contributor_name: | David Haffner, Zachary Fasnacht, Ramaswamy Tiruchirapalli |
creator_name: | Joanna Joiner |
time_coverage_end: | 2008-03-13T22:46:24Z |
Source: | OMI |
publisher_type: | group |
publisher_url: | |
geospatial_vertical_min: | 0.009999999776 |
date_created: | 2018-10-17T15:05:17Z |
PGEVersion: | 1.0.3 |
PHIS: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..1642][sample = 0..59] _FillValue: 9.999999870e+14 valid_range: -9.999999870e+14, 9.999999870e+14 long_name: surface geopotential units: m+2 s-2 coverage_content_type: modelResult origname: PHIS fullnamepath: /PHIS coordinates: lon lat |
TROPPB: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..1642][sample = 0..59] _FillValue: 9.999999870e+14 valid_range: -9.999999870e+14, 9.999999870e+14 long_name: tropopause pressure based on blended estimate units: Pa coverage_content_type: modelResult origname: TROPPB fullnamepath: /TROPPB coordinates: lon lat |
PS: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..1642][sample = 0..59] _FillValue: 9.999999870e+14 valid_range: -9.999999870e+14, 9.999999870e+14 long_name: surface pressure units: Pa coverage_content_type: modelResult origname: PS fullnamepath: /PS coordinates: lon lat |
DELP: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..1642][sample = 0..59][lev = 0..46] _FillValue: 9.999999870e+14 valid_range: -9.999999870e+14, 9.999999870e+14 long_name: pressure thickness units: Pa coverage_content_type: modelResult origname: DELP fullnamepath: /DELP coordinates: lon lat |
PBLTOP: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..1642][sample = 0..59] _FillValue: 9.999999870e+14 valid_range: -9.999999870e+14, 9.999999870e+14 long_name: pbltop pressure units: Pa coverage_content_type: modelResult origname: PBLTOP fullnamepath: /PBLTOP coordinates: lon lat |
time: | Array of 64 bit Reals [line = 0..1642] units: seconds since 1993-01-01 00:00:00 long_name: time at start of scan (tai93) coverage_content_type: coordinate _FillValue: 999999990000000.00 valid_range: -5000000000.0000000, 10000000000.000000 origname: time fullnamepath: /time |
V: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..1642][sample = 0..59][lev = 0..46] _FillValue: 9.999999870e+14 valid_range: -9.999999870e+14, 9.999999870e+14 long_name: northward wind units: m s-1 coverage_content_type: modelResult origname: V fullnamepath: /V coordinates: lon lat |
T: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..1642][sample = 0..59][lev = 0..46] _FillValue: 9.999999870e+14 valid_range: -9.999999870e+14, 9.999999870e+14 long_name: air temperature units: K coverage_content_type: modelResult origname: T fullnamepath: /T coordinates: lon lat |
U: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..1642][sample = 0..59][lev = 0..46] _FillValue: 9.999999870e+14 valid_range: -9.999999870e+14, 9.999999870e+14 long_name: eastward wind units: m s-1 coverage_content_type: modelResult origname: U fullnamepath: /U coordinates: lon lat |
V10M: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..1642][sample = 0..59] _FillValue: 9.999999870e+14 valid_range: -9.999999870e+14, 9.999999870e+14 long_name: 10-meter northward wind units: m s-1 coverage_content_type: modelResult origname: V10M fullnamepath: /V10M coordinates: lon lat |
U10M: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..1642][sample = 0..59] _FillValue: 9.999999870e+14 valid_range: -9.999999870e+14, 9.999999870e+14 long_name: 10-meter eastward wind units: m s-1 coverage_content_type: modelResult origname: U10M fullnamepath: /U10M coordinates: lon lat |
line: | Array of 16 bit Integers [line = 0..1642] long_name: along track dimension index units: 1 coverage_content_type: coordinate origname: line fullnamepath: /line |
sample: | Array of 16 bit Integers [sample = 0..59] long_name: across track dimension index coverage_content_type: coordinate units: 1 origname: sample fullnamepath: /sample |
lev: | Array of 16 bit Integers [lev = 0..46] long_name: vertical layer dimension index coverage_content_type: coordinate units: 1 positive: down origname: lev fullnamepath: /lev |
lat: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..1642][sample = 0..59] units: degrees_north long_name: pixel center latitude coverage_content_type: coordinate _FillValue: 9.999999870e+14 valid_range: -90.00000000, 90.00000000 origname: lat fullnamepath: /lat |
lon: | Array of 32 bit Reals [line = 0..1642][sample = 0..59] units: degrees_east long_name: pixel center longitude coverage_content_type: coordinate _FillValue: 9.999999870e+14 valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000 origname: lon fullnamepath: /lon |